
Сообщения за октябрь, 2019

The Swapzilla Difference

INTRO In the swirly world of financial tech,cryptocurrency has changed the world of digital assets forever. The list of its applications has shown that it can achieve a high level of transparency and security. The technology combines unique features that make it one of the foundations of the new economy: anonymity of users;full availability of transaction information;complete impossibility of hacking or tampering with data due to decentralization;no third party is required to certify transactions; all matters are regulated only by two parties;record of transactions is stored in the registry for all users and are updated for all at the same time. The first main application of the blockchain technology was a cryptocurrency — Bitcoin. Its emergence has revolutionized payment systems around the world, allowing people to easily, quickly and safely make international transactions with minimal commissions. Then Ethereum had a fantastic success, presenting the ability to genera